Rotavirus PAGE

Interpretation of PAGE Test for Rotavirus
The Rotavirus PAGE test detects rotaviruses in general and it identifies serogroups A, B and C specifically. Samples that are positive for rotavirus but fail to identify as serogroups A, B or C are termed 'Untypable'.

There are 8 serogroups of rotavirus (A to H). In the UK, serogroups A, B, C and E are known to affect pigs. Lambs are most susceptible to serogroup B, but occasional outbreaks involving A and C are seen. Serogroups A, D, F and G are known to affect chickens, turkeys, gamebirds and other avian species.

  • Price: £31.32
  • Species: Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Pigs, Poultry, Game Birds
  • Disease/presentation: Gastrointestinal disease
  • Test type: PCR
  • Sample type(s): Faeces, Intestinal content

Further Information

UKAS Accreditation Status: Not accredited

Turnaround Time: 4 working days

SRUC VS Product Code(s): 1022500

Rotavirus PAGE

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