Case highlights

June cases

Another month has ended and we still seem to be having a very Scottish summer. The balance of submissions and diagnoses has taken its usual seasonal shift away from abortion and towards parasitic disease. Nematodirosis and Coccidiosis were diagnosed across all the hubs and central laboratory in June.…

  • SRUC Veterinary Services
  • 19/07/2024
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December case highlights

Bacterial pneumonia dominated the December cattle diagnoses, although two high morbidity pneumonia outbreaks associated with IBR were also investigated.…

  • SRUC Veterinary Services
  • 29/02/2024
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October case highlights

Case highlights from the PM room in October include: - Enterotoxaemia associated with Clostridium perfringens type D infection - Mesenteric torsion in a dog - Acute Streptococcus suis Type 1 septicaemia in piglets…

  • SRUC Veterinary Services
  • 01/12/2023
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