Mentors needed for farmers of the future

Agriculture students are looking for mentors to help them complete a new module launched by Scotland’s Rural College.

The Enterprise Appraisal and Development module will give third year degree students hands-on experience of running a farm over a period of six weeks.

They will start by carrying out practical tasks such as feeding and mucking out stalls, but the main part of the project will be to learn about the financial aspect of farm management – such as how to monitor farm accounts and make appropriate business decisions.

To guarantee the success of the new module, which is being offered to students at SRUC’s campuses in Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Ayr, Agriculture lecturer Craig Davidson is seeking the help of famers across Scotland.

“The aim of this new module is to combine practical, operational management and financial skills in a real business environment,” he said.

“Students will also have the opportunity to build their professional network and transferable skills which will enhance their employment opportunities in the future.

“We are looking for farmers who are willing to open their doors and financial operating records to students.

“It would also be fantastic if any former students would like to ‘give back’ by supporting present-day students with this part of their course work.”

After completing their six-week placement, students will provide a report on the business – including its resources, assets and financial performance. They will also develop a plan to enhance an existing enterprise within the business or for a new project.

If you are interested in acting as a mentor, or for more information, contact Craig Davidson at: or 0131 535 4114.

Posted by SRUC on 15/08/2019

Tags: Student Activities, Rural Business
Categories: Student and Alumni