Physical demands of SRUC courses

Many of SRUC’s courses are very practical and physical in nature. If you have any disability or health condition that may impact on your ability to undertake some of these or similar activities, please contact us in advance of your application so that we can investigate any reasonable adjustments to course content, assessment or facilities.

Examples include managing and working large and heavy machinery, working outdoors, bending and digging, building and carrying, construction and other manual activities, walking medium to long distances, handling knives or other implements, and handling and working with potentially dangerous equipment or chemicals. Some courses have specific physical/practical standards which you must meet, for reasons of health and safety, in order to be offered a place on the course.


Disabled people and reasonable adjustments

A person who has a disability is defined as a disabled person for the purposes of the Equality Act 2010 if they have a physical or mental impairment, and the impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

SRUC proactively considers barriers which certain groups of students may face, and seeks to eliminate or reduce them as part of our duty to make anticipatory and individual reasonable adjustments for students with disabilities. These barriers could be removed by making changes to provisions, criteria or practices, physical features and auxiliary aids for students.

SRUC tries to anticipate the needs of disabled people and will make reasonable adjustments to the ways that competence standards are assessed, so that disabled students are not put at a substantial disadvantage.

Prospective students are encouraged to let SRUC know if they have a disability, even if they are not sure, so that they can be supported and the required reasonable adjustments can be made wherever possible. If students do not meet the course competence standards required and the mode of assessment of their course of choice, staff will support them to consider other pathways.

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