This is a hands-on course that delivers both practical skills and health and safety as well as demonstrating that you and your employer have completed sufficient training to meet the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER).
We'll use a balanced mix of theory and practical sessions to guide you through the process.
You'll learn all the key health and safety issues.
Routine maintenance tuition will follow.
Practical work will include chipping and removing blockages.
Worth noting: Inexperienced operators might need more time to fully master all the elements of our course.
Woodchippers are popular pieces of equipment used in industries from arboriculture to woodland preservation. Training is essential to ensure the correct use of these powerful tools.
3 Locations Available
- Barony
- Elmwood
- Oatridge
1 day
Course Code:
Currently no dates are available for booking this course. Please contact us for more information.