Hi I'm
Sascha Grierson

  • Position: Senior Project Manager
  • Location: Central Scotland

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I am experienced in research design and interpretation, quantitative survey methodology, interpretation of farm accounts and financial management of small farming business. I understands the changing rural policy environment within which rural businesses will operate in 2021 and beyond.

I am interested in linking food and farming via Agritourism development. This is an opportunity for the primary producer to monetise farming assets (landscape, natural capital) in a sustainable manner and deliver better value for primary produce at the farm gate.

I have a mixed family organic farm with on farm butchery service. I produce home reared AA beef, home bred lamb, rare breed pork, slow growing chicken and eggs to Soil Association organic standards. I am experienced in brand building, social media, customer service and communications, and have knowledge of environmental health and food standards.

I have networked with small scale local artisan farming and food businesses in Scotland, and learned to understand the logistical and structural challenges, and the agricultural policy background within which that network operates.

I also handle recruitment and staff management, and management accounting practice to help inform decision making.


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