Hi I'm
Lorna Pate
- Position: Research Associate
- Location: Edinburgh Campus
- Agriculture, Crops and Soils
- Business Management and Finance
- Livestock and Fishing
- Policy
I am an interdisciplinary researcher in the Rural Economy, Environment and Society Group. Having grown up on a beef and sheep farm I am interested in a wide range of topics relating to farming, food and policy. My current research uses mixed method approaches to improve our understanding of farmers' and other key stakeholders’ behaviours. My previous work has included assessing the impact of projects and knowledge exchange activities, looking at the barriers to uptake of innovations and at ways to transfer farming knowledge.
I am currently completing my PhD, which aims to better understand farmers’ antibiotic use, using an approach that includes interviews and machine-learning methodologies.
Many years ago I completed my degree in Animal Science at SRUC, then went on to study the Applied Animal Behaviour and Welfare MSc. Prior to returning to SRUC I worked in farm assurance, mainly in organics, carbon crediting and biofertiliser. I then worked in the consultancy division on the Scottish Government’s Animal Health Planning Programme.
In my spare time I can be found running around after my kids and helping out on the farm.
Areas of expertise and interests
- Agriculture, Crops and Soils
- Business Management and Finance
- Livestock and Fishing
- Policy
I'm currently working on
- positive behavioural change in farmers towards best practice for clean growth
- novel insights on Scotland’s rural and island economies
My professional highlights
- part of the Medical Research Foundation National PhD Training Programme in Antimicrobial Resistance research
- on the organisation committee for the International Farm Management Association Congress held in Edinburgh
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